Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Anna: A ray of hope

After 64 years of independence, A man, imbued with gandhian values, having dreams of corruption free nation in his eyes, left home for history making journey. He had nothing except than tricolor in his hand and “Vande Matram” on his tongue. His only weapons are ahimsa and fast. He initiated a campaign against corruption and demanded Jan lokpal Bill. A Bill which, he claimed, will reduce corruption upto 60-65%. "Anna Hazare" is this man. Though his actual and unpopular name is "Kishan Baburao Hazare".
Soon he influenced the world to echo the only slogan “Anna tum sangharsh karo, hum tumhare sath hain(Anna, you do struggle, we are with you)”. Everybody has related itself to the campaign as a victim of corruption. Corruption is everywhere in India whether it is ration card department, driving license, registration number, LPG cylinders, electricity, municipality, telecommunication or any other government department. People have had to give bribes to get the work done. Even for Getting their child admitted in schools, parents have to give money in the name of donation.
People are frustrating from price rise. Vegetable to garments, petrol to medicine everywhere prices have risen drastically. It has become impossible to meet both time breads. How a poor man will manage to send their children to school.
Though, Government has completely failed to control price rise and at the other side government has been unable to put break on the continuing series of scams. Adarsh society scam, 2G-3G scam, CWG scam and the most recent revelation of KG Basin scam are the top scams of today‘s time.
In harsh situation, when every section of society has been agitated due to corruption, Anna has come in front as a ray of hope. People have seen Anna as a masiah. They soon understood that Anna’s fight is their own fight. Therefore they come in huge numbers to support his campaign. People do believe that Anna’s Jan Lokpal Bill will reduce corruption and that will help to create a transparent system. Anna’s simple and clear language and the way he expresses his views associate him with the common man.
Anna, along with his team, worked hard to form this Jan lokpal Bill. They toured to several places, discussed bill with the people, make amendments many times and finally did referendum.
Now, Rounds of parley have started between team Anna and the government. Will Jan lokpal Bill passed in this session? Will Anna’s fast break tomorrow? Will government respect public sentiments? Answers are kept in future’s womb.
Whether India wins or lose, Anna has awaken numb soul of young India. People have understood that if they wish to live in corruption free atmosphere, they have to come in front and stand strongly against corruption.      

Friday, August 19, 2011

So-called "Educated People"

For the last few days I was wonder that everybody is blaming government only for corruption though corruption has entered into our veins. If the large section of society is suffocated with the practice of corruption, at the other side life of many people is based on corruption only. So how can they all join this campaign of Anna Hazare together? Why people, who are happy with the corruption, are not coming in front to oppose it anyhow? This question was disturbing me from the beginning of this movement. But yesterday, my wait had ended. In a program on CNBC Awaz, there was a discussion between so called “Educated People”. They were trying to criticize Anna’s campaign in their own way. One of them, Mr. Prabhakar, a Dalit thinker, has named this campaign against dalit. He said this campaign is belong to middle class only. Nobody has asked dalit whether he is with this campaign or not. One of them was struggling while relating fasting person with the suicide-bomber. He said both have the same intension of blackmailing. In their own way, I found, they tried to stand separate from the crowd. They might right or wrong. The matter is there are people who are happy with the corruption and they don’t want say goodbye to corruption. Because their life is based on this corruption.    
Anyway as we are supporting Anna Hazare in this democratic country then others too have rights to stand separate and criticize noble cause.  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Raining and draining

When it rains tip-tip heart beats dhak-dhak but when it rains fast then the chances of heart attack rises.
            Yeah! It happens with hundreds of shop-owners of jwalapur market after that unforgettable night of 18-jully last year. Situation was so terrific and dreadful that people were unable to understand that is the city under the water or the water is in the city! How did people manage to reach at home, they know themselves only. 
            Politics had been cooked on the millions of rupees loss of the traders. But traders got nothing except the cold shower of sympathy. By the passing time rain stopped and people forgot. Nobody tried to find out why all this happened this time only.
            Two years back newly formed market association took a decision of road expansion in market by destroying extended covered area or slabs on the drains and replace them with cemented slabs adjoining road this time so that vehicles can be parked on the slabs and let the road free for traffic. Planning was good indeed but it requires lot of engineering before implementation. Local administration, without any survey and planning, started the work. Contractor had been obliged with the bulk order of cemented slabs. Most of the slabs were defected and broken. Previous slabs were being destroyed and they let the debris remained beneath the drains. No cleaning work had been performed. New slabs were put and finished the work with thick layer of cement. After finishing, a slab had become almost 10-12inches thick. Almost one and half feet space had been occupied by the slabs and debris jointly, which was totally free earlier. Where and how did the rain water go? Obviously in this situation water level would have increased. In other words, drains had been shorten down to half.
            It’s been almost a year but the situation hasn’t been changed yet. No precautionary steps has been taken to avoid losses of traders. More space has still been occupied with the thick slabs. Are we waiting for another 18-jully.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


U-Turn comes in everyone's life. It changes the whole life for best or worst. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Slutwalk: a much awaited reactioin

            Raising placards high in air, holding banner straight, wearing slogan T-shirts, in hundreds of numbers women of today's era at last decided not to tolerate sexual violence anymore. Slutwalk is basically a much awaited reaction from the society especially from women. It started from Toronto when a police official lectured a girl not to be "dressed like slut" to avoid being victimised and now it has become global phenomenon. Slut arthat besharmi morcha is being campaigned all over the world now. Actually it has to be happened though it came very late in western countries also.                      
             What's wrong in wearing mini skirt or whatever she wants to wear? Why don't we take them as human being? Why all limits are for girls only? Why are they told to come back home before 8pm? There are so many questions which need to be answered by conservative narrow minded people, who have long been pushing women behind the bars of limits (maryada).
                I feel very sorry to say that Woman had long been treated as a servant and a thing of entertainment in earlier time. Even today also in hills remote areas, women are out in daytime to collect wood sticks and in evening they are often beaten up by their husband.  
               In a meeting of a reputed company, a man asked company representative to stop giving cheap ads in tv channels as it violates our social culture. After half an hour when the meeting ended a dancer are called on stage to perform dance. People from rich and reputed society were having lavish dinners and drinks. Holding glass of whisky in his hand, that same man came onto the same and started doing cheapness with the girls who were like his daughter's age. So what people pretend to be in most cases they are not. 
                  Sometimes people are heard saying "if girls wear short clothes then they must be ready to be victimised or raped." I asked them doestn't a woman wearing proper saree raped in India? It has nothing to do with the dressing. Actually, People with narrow mind wants to quench their lust without being scared about the result.
                    I appreciate Ms. Umang Sabarwal, event organiser, Slut arthat besharmi morcha, initiative. She raised the genuine problem faced by every woman all over the world on some extend. Educated boys and girls can give her good response. I personally think that we all should support this campaign. Respect women and contribute to create an atmosphere where women can walk freely, anytime wearing whatever they want.