Monday, August 1, 2011

Slutwalk: a much awaited reactioin

            Raising placards high in air, holding banner straight, wearing slogan T-shirts, in hundreds of numbers women of today's era at last decided not to tolerate sexual violence anymore. Slutwalk is basically a much awaited reaction from the society especially from women. It started from Toronto when a police official lectured a girl not to be "dressed like slut" to avoid being victimised and now it has become global phenomenon. Slut arthat besharmi morcha is being campaigned all over the world now. Actually it has to be happened though it came very late in western countries also.                      
             What's wrong in wearing mini skirt or whatever she wants to wear? Why don't we take them as human being? Why all limits are for girls only? Why are they told to come back home before 8pm? There are so many questions which need to be answered by conservative narrow minded people, who have long been pushing women behind the bars of limits (maryada).
                I feel very sorry to say that Woman had long been treated as a servant and a thing of entertainment in earlier time. Even today also in hills remote areas, women are out in daytime to collect wood sticks and in evening they are often beaten up by their husband.  
               In a meeting of a reputed company, a man asked company representative to stop giving cheap ads in tv channels as it violates our social culture. After half an hour when the meeting ended a dancer are called on stage to perform dance. People from rich and reputed society were having lavish dinners and drinks. Holding glass of whisky in his hand, that same man came onto the same and started doing cheapness with the girls who were like his daughter's age. So what people pretend to be in most cases they are not. 
                  Sometimes people are heard saying "if girls wear short clothes then they must be ready to be victimised or raped." I asked them doestn't a woman wearing proper saree raped in India? It has nothing to do with the dressing. Actually, People with narrow mind wants to quench their lust without being scared about the result.
                    I appreciate Ms. Umang Sabarwal, event organiser, Slut arthat besharmi morcha, initiative. She raised the genuine problem faced by every woman all over the world on some extend. Educated boys and girls can give her good response. I personally think that we all should support this campaign. Respect women and contribute to create an atmosphere where women can walk freely, anytime wearing whatever they want.

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